by Diane Rimmer
This show has now finished

A traumatic event involving her husband and a fish leaves Annabelle feeling emotionally abused and vulnerable, heightening her existing empathy towards the issues of animal cruelty and exploitation. Looking for a new purpose in life she volunteers at the World Animal Trust charity shop, a focus for people with passion for all animals around the globe, where the volunteers and customers are in more need of help than the animals they seek to rescue. Enter a world of passionate obsession with pigeons, bats, badgers and Brian May from Queen, a world where someone is hiding a sinister addiction…

C cubed
C cubed (main space) venue 50 Brodie's Close, Lawnmarket, EH1 2PS
12-18 Aug at 16:25 (1hr00)
Tickets £8.50-£10.50 / concessions £6.50-£8.50 / children £4.50-£6.50
Recommended 14+

Press Items

3MT - Badgered - press releasepdf2018-08-121638945